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Report No.

Design Study on Sodium-Cooled Middle-Scale Modular Reactor

Hishida, Masahiko; Murakami, Tsutomu; Kisohara, Naoyuki ; Fujii, Tadashi; Uchita, Masato; Hayafune, Hiroki; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka  ; Hori, Toru; Saigusa, Toshiie; Uno, Osamu; Soman, Yoshindo; Nishiguchi, Yohei; Konomura, Mamoru

Based on the concept of a plant consisting of four modules with a capacity of 750 MWe each, which has been established by the end of FY2002, a concept of the entire plant was proposed, reflecting the modifications related to the high internal conversion type core, the double-wall straight tube steam generator (SG), and the fuel storage system. Concept studies were also performed to overcome the drawbacks of the sodium and to achieve in-service inspection and repair as easily as in light water reactor. Furthermore, feasibility studies were carried out to confirm the design, which included safety, thermal-hydraulics and the structures of the primary reactor auxiliary cooling system and the double-wall straight tube SG. A prospect for realization of this plant concept has been obtained through the evaluation results. In addition, as the interim evaluation of the candidate concepts of the FBR fuel cycle is to be conducted, cost effectiveness and achievability for the development goal were evaluated and the data of the three medium-scale reactor candidate concepts were prepared.



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