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Report No.

MK-III Function Tests in JOYO; Dump Heat Exchanger (DHX)

Kawahara, Hirotaka ; Isozaki, Kazunori ; Ishii, Takayuki; Ichige, Satoshi ; Nose, Shoichi; Sakaba, Hideo; Nakai, Satoru

A key part of the upgrade of the experimental fast reactor JOYO to the MK-III design was the replacement of the dump heat exchangers. MK-III function tests (SKS-1) of the new dump heat exchangers were carried out from August 27,2001 through September 13,2001. The major results of the function tests of the dump heat exchangers were as follows: (1) Air flow of the main blower with an inlet vane opening of 50% was confirmed to exceed the design rated flow of 7,700m3/min. It was also demonstrated that an inlet vane opening of 100% provides about 130% of the design rated flow. This is because the new DHX flow route has more low pressure loss than the design value. (2) Tests of the air flow of the main blower demonstrated that with a fully opened inlet damper a full opened outlet damper and an inlet vane opening of O% provides about 5% of the design rated flow. (3) Free flow coast down characteristics of the main blower achieved an inlet vane O% opening in an average of 7.9 seconds. Revolutions per minute of the main blower reached zero in an average of 8.7 seconds. The delay time from the opening of the vacuum contact breaker to the air flow decrease was approximately 1 second. This was a more conservative value than the 5 seconds assumed in design thermal transient analyses. (4) The loudest noise occurred with the main blower operating with a 25% inlet vane opening. At that time, the noise around the main blower was approximately 100dB, and in the surrounding monitoring area boundary, the noise was 50dB. This was confirmed to be within the standard of the Ibaraki prefectural ordinance. (5) Although the MK-III inlet vane and inlet damper drive unit was bigger than the MK-II unit, the accumulator tank was confirmed to provide sufficient volume during a compression air loss event.



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