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Study on three-dimensional seismic isolation structure

森下 正樹 ; 北村 誠司 ; 高橋 健司; 井上 和彦*; 加藤 朝郎*; 伏見 実*

Morishita, Maaki; Kitamura, Seiji; Takahashi, Kenji; Inoue, Kazuhiko*; Kato, Asao*; Fushimi, Minoru*


Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) and Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) launched joint research programs on structural design and three-dimentional seismic isolation technologies, as a part of the supporting R&D activities for the feasibility studeies on commercialized fast breeder reactor cycle systems. A reserch project by JAPC under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy,Trade, and Industry (METI) with technical support by JNC is included in this joint study. This report contains the results of the reserch on the structural design technology. The reserch is reported in the following orderes, (1) Development till fiscal 2004, (2) Study on the 3-dimentional base isolation system (fiscal 2005), (3) Study on the guideline of 3-dimentional base isolation system, (4) Study on the vertical isolation system for main equiptment (fiscal 2005), (5) Study on the guideline of the vertical isolation system for main equipment.



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