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ナトリウム冷却炉の炉心・燃料設計検討(MOXおよび金属燃料炉心); 2004年度報告(研究報告)

Design Study on Core and Fuel Properties of Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor (Mixed Oxide and Metal Fuel Core); Results in JFY2004

永沼 正行  ; 杉野 和輝; 相田 達也; 小川 隆; 水野 朋保

Naganuma, Masayuki; Sugino, Kazuteru; Aida, Tatsuya; Ogawa, Takashi; Mizuno, Tomoyasu


Sodium cooled fast reactor (mixed oxide and metal fuel core) is one of promising candidates in Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle System in Japan (FS). Its design study has been conducted thorough FS. In JFY2004's mixed oxide fuel core design study, a core with improved FAIDUS (Fuel Assembly with Inner Duct Structure) type fuel assemblies was examined. In the core design study, two types of core concepts were examined as well as JFY2003's study. One is "Compact type" that follows a conventional type core and the other is "High internal conversion type (HIC type)". As a result, the HIC type core is revealed to attain higher total discharge average burn-up and longer operation cycle length compaired with the "Compact type" core, which decreases the fuel cycle cost and increases the availability factor. The HIC type core was selected from this as representatives of large scale (1500 MWe) and medium scale (750 MWe) reactors of FS phase II. In the metal fuel core design study, a core with "High core outlet temperature type" was investigated for improving economics. "High core outlet temperature" core is aimed at achieving the identical core outlet and inlet temperatures to those of sodium cooled mixed oxide fuel cores (550C/395C). In the new measure for flatting the radial power distribution, Pu-enrichment and fuel pin-diameter are unified and the levels of Zr-contents and fuel smeared densities of metal fuel are changed in the radial direction. For avoiding the difficulty in the fuel fabrication compared with conventional core, the Zr-content was set less than 10wt%. This new measure produced cores with smaller core size compared with the mixed oxide fuel "Compact type" cores. The results of maximum cladding temperature were 650C for large-scale core and 652C for middle-scale core, which nearly satisfied the design limit of 650C. Rationalization of hot spot factor has a pottential for further increase of the core outlet temperature.



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