Promising Fast Reactor Systems in the Feasibility Study on Commercialized FR Cycle Systems
阪本 善彦 ; 阪本 善彦 ; 江沼 康弘 ; 安藤 将人; 西川 覚; 小竹 庄司; 家田 芳明
Sakamoto, Yoshihiko; Sakamoto, Yoshihiko; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Ando, Masato; Nishikawa, Akira; Kotake, Shoji; Ieda, Yoshiaki
This paper describes the summary of an interim report of phase II of the Feasibility Study on Commercialized FR Cycle Systems, related to reactor systems. Promising plant concepts (sodium-, lead-bismuth-, helium-, and water-cooled fast reactor) and reactor core concepts are presented. These concepts are quantitatively evaluated from the viewpoint of the suitability to the development targets, such as economic competitiveness, efficient utilization of resources and reduction of environmental burden, with securing safety. As results, sodium cooled fast reactor is well suited to the development targets. LBE cooled fast rector would have a potential to attain the development targets. Helium gas cooled fast reactor would have the great potential for high thermal efficiency and multipurpose energy system. And water cooled fast reactor has the advantage that there are many experiences with LWR. Furthermore the crucial issues for technical feasibility are also clarified as road map of key technology development for each concept.