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Report No.

Study on evaluation method for potential effect of natural phenomena on a HLW disposal system

Kawamura, Makoto; Makino, Hitoshi ; Umeda, Koji; Seo, Toshihiro ; Ishimaru, Tsuneari ; Osawa, Hideaki  

Evaluation for potential effect of natural phenomena on a HLW disposal system is an important issue in safety assessment. A scenario construction method for the effects on a HLW disposal system condition and performance has been developed for two purposes, first one is effective elicitation and organization of information from investigators of natural phenomena and performance assessor, the other is maintenance of traceability of scenario construction processes with suitable records. In this method, a series of works to construct scenarios is divided into pieces to facilitate to elicit the features of potential effect of natural phenomena on a HLW disposal system and is organized to create reasonable scenarios with consistency, traceability and adequate conservativeness within realistic view.



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