JOYO MK-III performance test
関根 隆 ; 前田 幸基; 青山 卓史 ; 有吉 昌彦
Sekine, Takashi; Maeda, Yukimoto; Aoyama, Takafumi; Ariyoshi, Masahiko
高速実験炉「常陽」のMK-III計画では、冷却系改造工事終了後、交換した機器を含めた総合的なプラント性能を確認する「総合機能試験」及び原子炉運転状態での炉心及びプラント性能を確認する「性能試験」を実施した。2001年8月2003年3月に実施した総合機能試験では、改造後のプラントが原子炉運転に向けて、十分な性能を有していることを確認した。引き続き、2003年6月に原子炉を起動した後、原子炉出力を約20%、50%、75%、90%及び100% (140MWt)と段階的に上昇させ、炉心の核熱特性、交換した冷却系機器の性能等を確認する性能試験を実施した。これらの試験を通じ、定格熱出力までの炉心・プラント状態において、「常陽」が所期の性能を有することを確認し、11月27日にMK-III改造工事を完遂した。ここでは、総合機能試験及び性能試験の結果について報告する。
The MK-III upgrading project was completed in the experimental fast reactor JOYO to increase irradiation capability for irradiation tests. After modification work of cooling system, the system function tests were carried out between August 2001 and March 2003. As a result of these tests, it was confirmed that the performance of whole plant included the modified components, which were the intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) and the dump heat exchanger (DHX) etc., was satisfied with the design. The performance tests were carried out from June 2003 as the last phase of MK-III modification work. During the performance tests, the reactor power was raised step by step as 20%, 50%, 75%, 90% and 100% (140MWt), while confirming the nuclear and thermal characteristics of MK-III core and the heat removal capability of IHX and DHX. All performance tests was successfully carried out and it was confirmed that the performance of JOYO MK-III plant was satisfied with the design. Certificate of pre-use inspection about JOYO MK-III was conferred from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 27th November 2003 and the MK-III modification work was completed. This report shows the results of the system function tests and the performance tests of JOYO MK-III.