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 年 ~ 

Advanced oxide fuel core design study for SFR in the "feasibility study" in Japan


水野 朋保; 小川 隆; 永沼 正行  ; 相田 達也

Mizuno, Tomoyasu; Ogawa, Takashi; Naganuma, Masayuki; Aida, Tatsuya


Conceptual design studies of sodium cooled fast reactor core are performed. Oxide fuel core is studied to construct advanced core concepts. As regards the core, an advanced concept of large diameter fuel pin is applied to obtain high internal conversion ratio. This leads to the break even breeding core, in which the breeding ratio is just above 1.0, without radial blanket, which has economical advantage due to high burnup of about 100GWd/t in refueling batch average including blanket. This advanced concept has economical advantage by consistently achieving high burnup and breeding with small amount of blanket.



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