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Report No.

Key design parameter study (II) for large scale-up fast breeder reactor stress analysis of the circumferential welded joint, 2; Study on the evaluation method of strain ranges at the metallurgical discontinuity

Shimokoshi, Minoru; Negishi, Hitoshi ; Tanigawa, Masayuki*; Nagata, Takashi; Iwata, Koji

In the development of the evaluation method of creep-fatigue damage at the welded joint, it is necessary to properly verify effects of the geometrical discontinuity and metallurgical discontinuity For the purpose of understanding metallurgical discontinuity effects, inelastic parametric analyses with shapes, loads and material properties were performed using the circumferential welded joint model with the temperature distribution through the wall thickness. The results are as follows (1)The equations for the strain range evaluation using the elastic follow-up parameter were proposed. (2)The effects of parameters were quantified the multiplication coefficient to the elastic follow-up parameter of the reference model (joint width: infinity, temperature distribution through the wall thickness: linear) (3)The effect of joint width was found to be the largest and the value of the coefficient was about 1.8. In the next step, the overlap effect of geometrical discontinuity will be studied and the generalized evaluation method for circumferential welded joint will be proposed.



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