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Gadolinia-poison effect on coolant void reactivity

小綿 泰樹

Kowata, Yasuki


The effect of the gadolinia-poison on coolant void reactivity in a pressure-tube-type heavy water reactor has been clarified by critical experiments and analyses. Experiments were carried out in the 25 cm lattice pitch DCA (Deuterium Critical Assembly) core in which few gadolinia-poisoned fuels were loaded in the central region. Four or three gadolinia-poisoned UO$$_{2}$$ fuel rods were used in the middle layer of 28 rod or 36 rod fuel cluster as the gadolinia-poisoned fuel respectivity. The concentration of gadolinia in gadolinia-poisoned fuel pellets was changed from 0.0 to 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 wt% in order. Void reactivity calculated by the lattice code WIMS-D using the collision probability method and the diffusion code CITATION were compared with experimental ones. Calculated values for cores with gadolinia-poisoned fuels agree with experimental ones within $$pm$$0.2$. The void reactivity tends to shift toward positive side with adding gadolinia-poison, but it soon saturates around the 0.5wt% gadolinia concentration. These tendencies are remarkable as an increase in loading ratio of gadolinia-poisoned fuels in the core or as a location to the outer layer of gadolinia-poisoned fuel rods in the cluster. However, this tendency is relieved when fuel material of reference fuel without gadolinia-poisoned fuel rods changed from UO$$_{2}$$ to PuO$$_{2}$$-UO$$_{2}$$ mixed oxide. The reason why the coolant void reactivity shifts to the positive side with the addition of gadolinia to the fuel is that an increase in the neutron absorption of gadolinium due to voiding make an increase in the neutron importance at the reference fuel region to promote, so that it tone up the fission yield component of the void reactivity.



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