※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

SERAPHに期待される役割に関する検討; 実用化先導研究テーマに関する検討,1

A study on requested roles for SERAPH project; R&D themes for promoting FBR's commercialization,1

丹羽 元; 家田 芳明 

Niwa, Hajime; Ieda, Yoshiaki


This is an interim report of a study on requested roles of the Safety Engineering Reactor for Accident Phenomenology (SERAPH) project which has been performed by the working group organized under the FBR safety research specialist committee. In this working group, the future requirements for SERAPH has been studied as follows: (1)Considering that the safety level of future FBRs would be much more improved from the present concept of sodium cooled mixed-oxide fueled large scale FBR, prevention and mitigation measures could be introduced or much more enhanced. Therefore currently proposed design measures have been widely reviewed and some were newly proposed, then the information was presented to the working group. An investigation was conducted by means of "questionnaire" to the working group members asking their effectiveness and technical feasibility. (2)Based on the results of the questionnaire and discussions in the working group, "risk reduction" has been selected as an index which should be pursued of through long-term safety research where SERAPH is expected to play an important role. The presented measures were analyzed and evaluated from the viewpoint of preventing and/or mitigating important phenomena in CDA (for example, recriticality) because CDA is a risk dominant event in FBRs. (3)R&D plans of each measure were drafted and needs of in-pile and reactor-scale experiments were examined including new experimental facilities. Based on this study, new R&D themes were preliminarily selected as future requirements for the SERAPH project. The final report will be presented at the end of the FY1993. This will include the results of the additional study reflecting the comments from the members of the FBR safety research specialist committee.



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