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Improvement of free surface tracing for fluid dynamic analysis code:SPLASH-ALE

飯田 将雄

Iida, Masao


SPLASH-ALE is a three dimensional finite element hydrodynamic code employing Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian method which enables computational nodes to move in arbitrary velocity. To avoid an abnormal termination of calculation caused by extreme deformation of element, a node mobility scheme, horizontally Eulerian and vertically uniformed, is available for calculating flow in tank, which have inlet, outlet and free surface, such as a FBR reactor vessel. Author improved the evaluation method for the free surface tracing to consider free surface movement in horizontal direction in which node coordinate is fixed for this node mobility scheme. To cvaluate the improvement, a surface swell formation caused by an upward plane jet impinging on free surface was calculated, Thus it was confirmed that free surface representation was enhanced and that error of flow rate at free surface was significantly reduced.



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