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Report No.

Synthesis of proton-conducting membranes by radiation-induced grafting; Influence of base materials

Asano, Masaharu; Chen, J.; Yamaki, Tetsuya; Yoshida, Masaru

To prepare proton-conducting membranes with an excellent mechanical characteristic, a mixture of styrene and divinylbenzene was grafted into various base materials such as CF2-derivatives (PTFE, PFA and FEP) and CF2/CH2-derivatives (ETFE and PVDF). It was found that the introduction of graft-chains into CF2/CH2-derivatives was easier compared with that of CF2-derivatives. These derivatives that introduced the graft-chains were then sulfoanted, in order to determine the tensile strength, as a resulting of higher tensile strength for sulfonated CF2/CH2-derivatives



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