※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of control technology for HTTR hydrogen production system with mock-up test facility; System controllability test for loss of chemical reaction

模擬試験装置によるHTTR水素製造システムの制御技術開発; 化学反応停止試験

大橋 弘史 ; 稲葉 良知  ; 西原 哲夫 ; 武田 哲明; 林 光二; 高田 昌二; 稲垣 嘉之

Ohashi, Hirofumi; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Takeda, Tetsuaki; Hayashi, Koji; Takada, Shoji; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been planning the demonstration test of hydrogen production with the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR). In a HTTR hydrogen production system (HTTR-H2), it is required to control a primary helium temperature within an allowable value at a reactor inlet to prevent a reactor scram. A Cooling system for a secondary helium with a steam generator (SG) and a radiator is to be installed at the downstream of a chemical rector in a secondary helium loop in order to mitigate the thermal disturbance caused by the hydrogen production system. Prior to construction of HTTR-H2, the simulation test with a mock-up test facility has been carried out to establish the controllability on the helium temperature using the cooling system against the loss of chemical reaction. It was confirmed that the fluctuations of the helium temperature at chemical reactor outlet, more than 200 K, at the loss of chemical reaction could be successfully mitigated within the target of $$pm$$10 K at SG outlet. A dynamic simulation code of the cooling system for the HTTR-H2 was verified with the obtained test data.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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