Study of an electromagnetic pump in a sodium cooled reactor; Design study of secondary sodium main pumps (Joint research)
Chikazawa, Yoshitaka
; Kisohara, Naoyuki
; Hishida, Masahiko; Fujii, Tadashi; Konomura, Mamoru; Ara, Kuniaki
; Hori, Toru*; Uchida, Akihito*; Nishiguchi, Yohei*; Nibe, Nobuaki*
In the feasibility study on commercialized fast breeder cycle system, a medium scale sodium cooled reactor with 750MW electricity has been designed. In this study, EMPs are applied to the secondary sodium main pump. The EMPs type is selected to be an annular linear induction pump (ALIP) type with double stators which is used in the 160m
/min EMP demonstration test. The inner structure and electromagnetic features are decided reviewing the 160m
/min EMP. Two dimensional electromagnetic fluid analyses by EAGLE code show that Rms (magnetic Reynolds number times slip) is evaluated to be 1.08 which is less than the stability limit 1.4 confirmed by the 160m
/min EMP test, and the instability of the pump head is evaluated to be 3% of the normal operating pump head. Since the EMP stators are cooled by contacting coolant sodium duct, reliability of the inner structures are confirmed by temperature distribution and stator-duct contact pressure analyses. Besides, a power supply system, maintenance and repair feature and R&D plan of EMP are reported.