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A Compact loop-type fast reactor without refueling for a remote area power source

Chikazawa, Yoshitaka  ; Okano, Yasushi; Konomura, Mamoru; Sawa, Naoki*; Shimakawa, Yoshio*; Tanaka, Toshihiko*

A small reactor has a potential to be utilized as a power source applicable to diversified social needs and reduce capital risks. In remote sites where the population is small and plants can not be economically connected to a power grid, power sources without refueling whose capacities are lower than 50 MWe are required because fuel transfer cost is expensive in such sites. In the present study, a small sodium cooled core with 30 years lifetime has been developed and a simple plant system without refueling has been sketched. Dimensions of major components are determined to evaluate its economical potential. Transient analyses show that self actuated shutdown system (SASS) enhances the passive safety features to maintain the reactor integrity in anticipate transient without scram events.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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