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Report No.

Effective crystalline electric field potential in a $$j$$-$$j$$ coupling scheme

Hotta, Takashi; Harima, Hisatomo

We propose a systematic method to include effectively a crystalline electric field (CEF) potential into an $$f$$-electron model on the basis of a $$j$$-$$j$$ coupling scheme by the expansion in terms of $$1/lambda$$, where $$lambda$$ is a spin-orbit interaction. When we correctly take into account the corrections in the order of $$1/lambda$$ in addition to the CEF terms and Coulomb interactions which remain in the limit of $$lambda$$=$$infty$$, the CEF energy levels of an $$LS$$ coupling scheme can be quantitatively reproduced even in the $$j$$-$$j$$ coupling scheme. As a potential application of our modified $$j$$-$$j$$ coupling scheme, we briefly discuss the CEF energy levels of filled skutterudite compound with $$T_{rm h}$$ symmetry.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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