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Report No.

Several measurements of drug target receptor proteins

Kuroki, Ryota; Tamada, Taro; Honjo, Eijiro; Maeda, Yoshitake*

Receptor proteins expressed in the surface of the cell are known to be important drug targets for several diseases. The receptor transfer the signal originated from the binding of ligand proteins in to the signal cascades located inside of the cell. The signal transduction usually induced by the association of plural receptor molecules, thus the ligand molecules that help association of receptors are considered to be drug candidates. There are several association schemes are known. For example, the erythropoietin receptors associate with its ligand in 2:1 manner, the granulocyte colony stimulating factor receptor active complex with its ligand in 2:2 manners, and so on. Therefore, it is quite important to investigate the active scheme of receptor-ligand complex to understand how the receptor molecule start signal transduction. In this symposium, we show several examples of the measurements aimed to understand the activation scheme of drug target receptors.



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