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Changes in intact rock damage parameters due to chemical effects and their influence on failure phenomena


小林 晃*; 山本 清仁*; 青山 咸康*; 千々松 正和*; 藤田 朝雄 

Kobayashi, Akira*; Yamamoto, Kiyohito*; Aoyama, Shigeyasu*; Chijimatsu, Masakazu*; Fujita, Tomoo


To investigate the effect of the chemical degradation on the mechanical behavior, the rock samples preserved in the 10 % salt water and distilled water for 90 days are subjected to the unconfined compression test. The rock samples were obtained from $"A$sp$"o$ HRL in Sweden. The damage parameters were identified from the unconfined compression tests for two types of rock samples. Beforehand, the characteristics of the effect of each damage parameter on the mechanical behavior were investigated by numerical simulation. By investigating the change in the damage parameters of the chemically degraded rock, the effect of the chemical degradation was tried to infer through the results of parametric study. Moreover, the 3-D finite element simulation was carried out to examine the effect of change in the damage parameters due to chemical effect in detail.



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