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Report No.

Theoretical investigation of transmission-type phase shifter made with muscovite mica crystal for 1-keV region

Imazono, Takashi; Koike, Masato

To develop a phase shifter made with a single-crystal functioning in an energy region between 0.7 keV and 1 keV and to characterize the state of polarization of polarized soft X-ray source using it, the polarization performance of natural muscovite mica single-crystal, KAl$$_2$$(AlSi$$_3$$O$$_{10}$$)(OH)$$_2$$, has been investigated using simulation calculation based on X-ray dynamical theory. The phase retardation of the transmitted light is found to increase with the crystal thickness. On the other hand, the average transmittance decreases with the thickness exponentially. When the crystal thickness is 3 $$mu$$m, calculated phase retardations are $$+5.2^circ$$ at $$44.95^circ$$ and $$-7.2^circ$$ at $$44.99^circ$$ incidence, and the transmittance is 0.4%. These amounts are enough to characterize the state of polarization of the polarized light. Therefore it is concluded that muscovite crystal is an attractive material as a transmission-type phase shifter at 0.88 keV.



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