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 年 ~ 

Analysis of laser-produced heavy ions for direct plasma injection scheme


榊原 和彦*; 岡村 昌宏*; Kondrashev, S.*; 服部 俊幸*; 柏木 啓次; 金末 猛*

Sakakibara, Kazuhiko*; Okamura, Masahiro*; Kondrashev, S.*; Hattori, Toshiyuki*; Kashiwagi, Hirotsugu; Kanesue, Takeshi*


To accelerate highly charged intense ion beam, we have developed the direct plasma injectionscheme DPIS with laser ion source. In this scheme an ion beam from a laser ion source is injecteddirectly to a radio frequency quadrupole RFQ linac without a low energy beam transport LEBT line and then beam losses in the LEBT can be avoided. We achieved high current acceleration ofcarbon ions 60 mA by DPIS with the RFQ specially designed for high current heavy ions. As thenext step we will use heavier elements such as Al, Fe, and Ta as targets in laser ion source usinghigh power laser, for example, glass laser for DPIS and will examine properties of laser-producedplasma for highly charged ion production.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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