※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

DNA damages induced by ion particles and photons with various energies


横谷 明徳

Yokoya, Akinari


One of the goals of our study is to clarify the nature of DNA damage in relation to the energy deposition pattern of radiation. The yields of single- and double-strand breaks, base lesions and clustered damage induced in closed-circular plasmid DNA (pUC18) were measured after exposing to various kinds of radiation (ion particles; 20 to 500 keV/$$mu$$m, photons; 0.4 keV to 1.3 MeV). To focus on the effect of direct energy deposition from radiation track, we chose dried and hydrated DNA (35 water molecules per nucleotide). Base excision repair enzymes were used to detect the oxidative base lesions. In order to obtain more detailed insights into the physicochemical mechanism of DNA damage induction, short-lived base radicals and desorbed ion fragments from DNA related compounds were also measured by applying an EPR and ion-mass spectrometer at a synchrotron ultrasoft X-ray beamline. In addition, E. coli cells were used as a biological probe to study the nature of radiation-induced DNA damage. Experimental evidence obtained by these methods will be discussed in comparison with the plasmid data.



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