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Report No.

Operation and maintenance manual of the accelerator installed in the facility of radiation standards

Fujii, Katsutoshi ; Kawasaki, Katsuya ; Kowatari, Munehiko; Tanimura, Yoshihiko   ; Kajimoto, Yoichi; Shimizu, Shigeru

4MV Van de Graff accelerator was installed in the Facility of Radiation Standards (FRS) in June 2000, and monoenergetic neutron calibration fields and high energy $$gamma$$-ray calibration fields have been developed. The calibration fields are provided for R&D on dosimetry, and for the calibration and type-test of radiation protection instruments. This article describes the operational procedure, the maintenance work and the operation of the related apparatuses of the accelerator. This article focuses on the sufficient safety and radiation control for the operators, the maintenance performance of the accelerator, and on the prevention of the malfunction due to the mistakes of the operator. This article targets the unexperienced engineers in charge of operation and maintenance of the accelerator.



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