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Report No.

Irradiation effect on thermal degradation behavior of materials in cables

Idesaki, Akira; Gokan, Mayo*; Morishita, Norio; Takeda, Osamu; Ito, Hisayoshi; Kusano, Joichi

It is required for various apparatus used in the tunnel of J-PARC accelerator to possess radiation resistance. A halogen-free and flame retardant cable will be adopted for the power cable. However, there are little reports about the radiation resistance of halogen-free and flame retardant cables. In this work, the irradiation effect on thermal degradation behavior of the materials in flame retardant cables. It was found that starting temperature of thermal degradation of sheath material sifts to lower temperature and temperature range of water evolution from flame retardant agent sifts to higher temperature by irradiation.



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