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Report No.

Analysis of Dibutylphosphoric Acid (DBP) in degraded solvent by utilizing gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry

Imaizumi, Hirobumi; Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Asakura, Toshihide; Morita, Yasuji  

In JAEA, the solvent washing properties of n-butylamine compounds, which can be decomposed by incineration or electrolysis, have been investigated using simulated and real degraded tributylphosphate (TBP) solvent. Ion chromatography has been utilized as an analytical method to determine the concentration of dibutylphosphoric acid (DBP) in organic and aqueous phases. Recently, we met difficulty to maintain the reliability of analytical results. A gas chromatograph-mass spectroscope (GC-MS) was considered as new analytical method to solve these problems. As a result, it was confirmed that improved reliability of analysis can be obtained by utilizing a sample pre-treatment method to introduce tetra methyl silyl substituent to the target molecule, DBP. In a chromatogram, monobutylphosphoric acid also gave good peaks. I can be expected to analyze DBP and MBP simultaneously with only one sample in the TBP solvent.



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