JOYO, the irradiation and demonstration test facility of FBR development
青山 卓史
; 関根 隆
; 仲井 悟; 鈴木 惣十
Aoyama, Takafumi; Sekine, Takashi; Nakai, Satoru; Suzuki, Soju
The experimental fast reactor JOYO is the first liquid sodium fast reactor in Japan. The purpose of constructing JOYO was to obtain technical information about liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR). In addition to providing operating experience, many kinds of irradiation tests have been conducted for the development of fuels and materials under the conditions of higher fast neutron flux and temperature than those in LWRs. JOYO has been operated successfully since its criticality was first achieved in 1977 without any serious problem, and this operation demonstrated the safety and reliability of the sodium cooled fast reactor. Continual facility improvements have been punctuated by major enhancements, the latest of which is MK-III. Compared to MK-II, MK-III has a four times larger irradiation capability, improved irradiation test vehicles and improved irradiation characterization. The applications of this enhanced capability include testing fuels and safety features for future FBRs, exploring use of fast reactors for transmutation of radioactive waste, and developing advanced materials for fusion power. In light of the shutdown of several fast reactors around the world, the ability to make such major contributions to reactor development takes on even greater significance. Irradiation tests, steady-state and safety related operations of JOYO are also expected to promote the development of JAEA's prototype FBR, Monju.