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Report No.

A Migration analysis of ${it Sogatella furcifera}$ (Horv$'a$th) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) using hourly catches and a three-dimensional simulation model

Otsuka, Akira*; Watanabe, Tomonari*; Suzuki, Yoshito*; Matsumura, Masaya*; Furuno, Akiko   ; Chino, Masamichi; Kondo, Tomoya*; Kamimuro, Tsuyoshi*

1 Migration of Sogatella furcifera captured in Japan in the 2003 season were analyzed using hourly catches and a simulation model.2. The catch data showed several clear migration peaks, with average durations of 4 h. The peaks were separated from each other by approximately 12 h, corresponding to the observed fact that planthoppers take off at dusk and dawn.3. The simulation model, together with the hourly catches, enabled an estimation of migration source regions.4. Possible migration sources during our hourly observation period were located in the coastal area of Fujian province in China, as well as Taiwan.



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