※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Multipoles in $$delta$$-Pu


堀田 貴嗣

Hotta, Takashi


In order to develop microscopic theories of magnetism and superconductivity in $$f$$-electron compounds, we have proposed the construction of an $$f$$-electron model on the basis of a $$j$$-$$j$$ coupling scheme. Using this model, we have explained spin and orbital structure of UMGa$$_5$$ and NpMGa$$_5$$. Recently, octupole ordering in NpO$$_2$$ has been also understood from the microscopic viewpoint. Encouraged by such successes of the j-j coupling model in actinide materials, we attempt to understand magnetism and superconductivity of Pu and PuMGa$$_5$$. We focus on a key role of 5f orbital state for the appearance of superconductivity in PuMGa$$_5$$ and the absence of magnetism in $$delta$$-Pu. We discuss multipoles as spin-orbital complex degrees of freedom.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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