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Report No.

Behavior of iron in the Yamato Basin and the Japan Basin, Japan Sea

Takata, Hyoe*; Kuma, Kenshi*; Isoda, Yutaka*; Nishioka, Jun*; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi  ; Chikira, Mitsuru*; Takagi, Shogo*; Kamei, Yoshihiko*; Sakaoka, Keiichiro*

The authors discussed on the difference of behavior of iron between two basins (the Yamato Basin and Japan Basin) in the Japan Sea by measurements of iron (dissolved and labile dissolved phases) and nutrients in seawater. Concentration of labile dissolved iron in the surface water was about 1.0 nM and did not show difference between the basins. On the other hand, concentration of labile dissolved iron in the Japan Basin increased to 4.5 nM at 1-2 km depth and decreased to 4 nM in the bottom layer. In the Yamato Basin, concentration of labile dissolved iron in deep water increased uniformly and was about 6 nM at the bottom layer. The difference in distribution of iron in seawater indicates that the transport processes of biogenic elements in the deep layers are different between the basins of the Japan Sea.



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