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Fatigue strength evaluation of perforated plate at elevated temperature based on SRL method

渡部 修*; Bubphachot, B.*; 笠原 直人; 川崎 信史 

Watanabe, Osamu*; Bubphachot, B.*; Kasahara, Naoto; Kawasaki, Nobuchika


This paper is to evaluate the fatigue strength for the perforated plate at elevated temperature based on Stress Redistribution Locus (SRL) method. The test specimens are made of SUS304 stainless steel, and temperature is kept to be 550$$^{circ}$$C degree, and the geometry of the perforated plate specimens are changed by number of holes and diameter size of the hole. The SRL method is used to predict number of cycle of crack initiation (Nc), and the failure (Nf) for the perforated plate.



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