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Report No.

Recovery of U-Pu alloy from MOX using a pyroprocess series

Kitawaki, Shinichi ; Shinozaki, Tadahiro; Fukushima, Mineo; Usami, Tsuyoshi*; Yahagi, Noboru*; Kurata, Masaki* 

A series test of pyro-process was carried out to recover U-Pu alloy from MONJU MOX pellets. In the Li-reduction step, the reduction behavior of MOX was similar to that of UO$$_{2}$$. In the electrorefining step, the separation factor between U and Pu was 5.7 for the combination of reduced MOX anode and liquid cadmium cathode, which is almost comparable to the value in the previous studies. For the material balance, approximately 98% of U and 103% of Pu were detected in the electrodes or molten salt after the electrolysis with respect to the initial amounts in the anode or molten salt. Considering the analytical error of ICP-AES, these values are reasonable. The remained amount of U in the anode was slightly larger than that of Pu due to the re-oxidation. The U-Pu alloy ingot was successfully formed by distillation of Cd.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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