※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Observation of the energetic radiation associated with winter lightning activities


鳥居 建男  ; 杉田 武志*; 村木 綏*

Torii, Tatsuo; Sugita, Takeshi*; Muraki, Yasushi*


$$gamma$$-ray dose-rate increase associated with thunderstorm activities was observed on the ground at the west coast of Japan in winter. To investigate the fluctuation profile during thunderstorms, the energetic radiation was measured by using two radiation detectors which consist of four long proportional counters. The sensitivity of the counters for electrons with energy over 3 MeV has been an order of magnitude higher than that for $$gamma$$-rays. From the results of the proportional counters and the other radiation monitors data, the transient increase of radiation is most likely caused by the incidence of the high energy electrons. It is considered that the runaway electrons have been emitted continuously for tens of seconds within such high fields and a portion of these electrons has reached the ground because the altitude of thundercloud is low in case of the winter thunderstorms.



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