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Verification of annular fuel design code "CEPTAR"; Verification with the irradiation data of JOYO Mk-II driver fuel

Ikusawa, Yoshihisa   ; Ozawa, Takayuki   

The following generation MONJU core fuel is considered using the high density solid pellet. Although the fuel design code "CEPTAR" was developed for annular fuel pellet, CEPTAR code was not verified with the data of high density solid pellet. In this study, CEPTAR code was verified with irradiation data of JOYO Mk-II driver fuel that used high density solid pellet. To estimate irradiation behavior of JOYO Mk-II driver fuel, the following new equations were added to CEPTAR code; The swelling equation and irradiation creep equation of PNC316. The pellet swelling equation evaluated with the PIE data of JOYO Mk-II driver fuel. As a result of verification by using the irradiation data of JOYO Mk-II driver fuel, the calculated values with CEPTAR code were in agreement with the observed values from the result of PIEs up to pellet peak burn-up $$sim$$ 76,000MW d/t.



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