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Report No.

Effect of helium and hydrogen production on irradiation hardening of F82H steel irradiated by ion beams

Wakai, Eiichi  ; Ando, Masami; Sawai, Tomotsugu; Onuki, Somei*

Effects of helium and hydrogen production on irradiation hardening of martensitic steel F82H (Fe-8Cr-2W-0.2V-0.04Ta-0.1C) were examined by dual or triple beam experiments. The effects of tempering and cold working were also examined. The irradiations were performed at about 500$$^{circ}$$C to 50 dpa under simultaneous dual beams of 10.5 MeV-Fe and 1.05 MeV-He or triple beams of those and 380keV-H ions. The value of appm-He/dpa for the dual ion beams was about 15, and the values of appm-He/dpa and appm-H/dpa for the triple ion beams were 15 and 15 (or 150), respectively. The hardness of the irradiated specimens measured at room temperature using a micro indentation after the irradiations. Irradiation softening and hardening was observed in F82H-std, F82H+CW and a non-tempered F82H steels irradiated at about 500$$^{circ}$$C to 18 and 50 dpa, respectively, by dual ion beams. The hardness of the specimens irradiated at about 500$$^{circ}$$C to 18 dpa under triple ion beams was harder than that under dual ion beams.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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