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Report No.

Simulation of chemotactic networks in nematode ${it C. elegans}$; Is there any change on networks by exposure to ionizing radiation?

Suzuki, Michiyo*; Sakashita, Tetsuya; Tsuji, Toshio*; Fukamoto, Kana; Hamada, Nobuyuki*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

We have revealed the radiation-induced change on food-NaCl associative learning of ${it C. elegans}$ without no change of chemotaxis towards benzaldehyde. Soluble and volatile chemicals are perceived by separate sensory neurons that respectively connect with multiple interneurons and motoneurons. However, since several interneurons connect with these sensory neurons, neuronal networks with respect to chemotaxis of NaCl and benzaldehyde are considerably overlapped. Therefore, although it is indicated that the change by irradiation is induced on some parts of the neuronal network of NaCl chemotaxis, the change has never been clarified. Then, we here modeled the neuronal network of chemotaxis based on actual connections to find certain parts that are induced to change by $$gamma$$-irradiation. Through the computer simulation of the responses before and after irradiation, we tried to predict the change on the neuronal network.



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