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Report No.

Study on structure-factor determination by an energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction method, 2

Katayama, Yoshinori; Kaneko, Hiroshi; Hattori, Takanori   

Energy-despersive X-ray method is commonly used for X-ray diffraction measurements using a cubic-type multi-anvil-press because low background scattering and short data acquisition time can be achieved. However, diffraction intensity is affected by several energy-dependent factors, such as intensity spectrum of synchrotron radiation, sensitivity spectrum of a detector, absorption spectra of sample and surrounding materials. It is difficult to estimate these factors separately, Tsuji et al., proposed a new empirical method to determine structure factor of liquids and glasses. Furthermore, Funakoshi et al., developed a Monte Carlo simulation code to carry out the procedure. But the result is sometimes unstable. We improved the method and reproduce the structure factor of silica glass stably.



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