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Report No.

Development of the simulation code for the pyrochemical process of spent nuclear fuels

Hayashi, Hirokazu ; Akabori, Mitsuo; Minato, Kazuo ; Mizuguchi, Koji*; Kawabe, Akihiro*; Fujita, Reiko*

The simulation code for the pyrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuels was developed to analyze experimental data, to predict experimental results, and to propose adequate conditions and processes. The Simulation code for Pyrochemical Reprocessing (SPR) is based on calculations of chemical equilibrium and electrochemical reactions. The code also includes the calculations of the current-potential distribution between the electrodes. Some calculations were made to simulate the experimental results on the electro-codeposition process of UO$$_2$$ and PuO$$_2$$. The phenomena of the redox reactions between Pu$$^{4+}$$ and Pu$$^{3+}$$ ions and those between Fe$$^{3+}$$ and Fe$$^{2+}$$ ions were theoretically analyzed; these redox reactions cause the low current efficiency in the electro-codeposition process. The calculated current-potential distribution around the cathode corresponds to the observed distribution of the oxide deposited on the cathode.



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