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Report No.

Bias temperature instability characterization of advanced gate stacks

Fujieda, Shinji*; Terai, Masayuki*; Saito, Motofumi*; Toda, Akio*; Miura, Yoshinao*; Liu, Z.*; Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Wilde, M.*; Fukutani, Katsuyuki*

In order to find how bias temperature instability occurs in advanced gate stacks, we will review experimental results of our investigation on SiO$$_{2}$$, plasma-nitrided SiON, HfSiON and HfSiON with Ni-silicide electrodes. It thus seems that we need to clarify and control the chemical and physical influences on the insulator bulk and the insulator/Si interface caused by newly incorporated materials and process technologies, in order to ensure the reliability of bias temperature instability for advanced gate stacks.



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