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Transparency and nonproliferation in the Asia-Pacific region; Enhancing transparency, strengthening the nonproliferation regime

アジア・太平洋における核不拡散と透明性; 役割と可能性

濱田 和子

Hamada, Kazuko


The Asia-Pacific region is destined to increase its use of nuclear energy in the coming decades. This projected increase will bring with it nuclear proliferation concerns, and thus, necessitates supplementary efforts designed to ensure nuclear security and a legitimate use of nuclear energy in addition to the NPT obligation. Nuclear transparency measures could be useful tools to build confidence that the increasing use of nuclear energy does not contribute to nuclear proliferation. These measures could also foster a cooperative tradition that can address rising concerns over nuclear trafficking and terrorism, which require regional coordination to combat. This paper describes various forms of potential transparency measures to expand the possibilities of the nuclear transparency concept and explore areas in which this concept might be applicable. This paper also clarifies some of the challenges involving transparency projects and suggests possible ways to address these challenges.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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