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Report No.

Solvent extraction of uranium, plutonium and neptunium in the NEXT process

Nakahara, Masaumi; Sano, Yuichi   ; Nomura, Kazunori  

Using the advanced aqueous reprocessing system named NEXT, it was attempted to co-reocver Np with U and Pu by TBP in a simplified solvent extraction process. In this study, we conducted two counter current experiments with TBP for enhanceing the Np oxidation to extractable Np(VI) and its extraction; one was a feed solution with a high nitric acid concentration and the other was used a scrubbing solution with a high nitric acid concentration. In this condition, these flow sheets showed the large contribution of nitric acid concentration at the extraction section to Np oxidation and extraction, and the effectiveness of high nitric acid concentration in the feed solution, which might be bring the acceleration of the Np oxidation in the feed solution as well as at the extraction section in the centrifugal contactors.



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