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 年 ~ 

Direct measurement of the temporal profile of the amplification gain of the transient collisional excitation neonlike manganese X-ray laser medium


長谷川 登; 河内 哲哉; 佐々木 明; 岸本 牧; 助川 鋼太; 田中 桃子; Tai, R. Z.*; 越智 義浩; 錦野 将元; 永島 圭介; 加藤 義章 

Hasegawa, Noboru; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Sasaki, Akira; Kishimoto, Maki; Sukegawa, Kota; Tanaka, Momoko; Tai, R. Z.*; Ochi, Yoshihiro; Nishikino, Masaharu; Nagashima, Keisuke; Kato, Yoshiaki


We firstly demonstrated the measurement of temporal profile of the amplification gain of the transient collisional excitation (TCE) X-ray laser with the solid target by use of X-ray diagnostic beam injection technique. In this experiment, higher-order harmonic light at a wavelength of 26.9 nm was injected into the neon-like manganese plasma as X-ray laser medium, and the amplified signal was observed. The obtained buildup time of the amplification gain was 23 ps measured from the time of the main pumping laser pulse, and the lifetime of the amplification gain was 27 ps. This result was in good agreement with the theoretical simulation by using an atomic kinetics code.



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