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Report No.

In situ test plan for concrete materials using low alkaline cement at Horonobe URL

Kobayashi, Yasushi; Yamada, Tsutomu; Nakayama, Masashi ; Matsui, Hiroya ; Matsuda, Takeshi*; Konishi, Kazuhiro*; Iriya, Keishiro*; Noda, Masaru*

Shotcrete and lining will be used for safety under construction and operational period in HLW repository. Concrete is a kind of composite material which is constituted by aggregate, cement and other mixture. Low alkaline cement has been developed from the viewpoint of long term stability of the barrier systems which would be influenced by high alkaline arising from cement material. HFSC is one of a low alkaline cement. It has been developed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. JAEA are now implementing the construction of the under ground research laboratory (URL) at Horonobe. This report shows the in situ test plan for shotcrete using HFSC at Horonobe URL with identifying requirements for cement materials to be used in HLW repository, and also reviews major literatures of low alkaline cement. This in situ test plan is aiming to assess the performance of HFSC shotcrete in terms of mechanics, workability, durability, and so on.



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