Advances in fast reactor cycle technology development project
岩村 公道
Iwamura, Takamichi
The Feasibility Study on commercialized fast reactor cycle systems was carried out to elucidate prominent fast reactor cycle systems that would respond to various needs of society in the future. As the result of phase-II, the combination of the sodium-cooled fast reactor with oxide fuel, the advanced aqueous reprocessing and the simplified pelletizing fuel fabrication was selected as the most promising concept. In March 2006, CSTP of the cabinet office selected fast reactor cycle technology as one of key technologies of national importance. After this, the action plans on nuclear technology development completed by MEXT and METI stated a start-up of a demonstration fast reactor by 2025 and deployment of a commercial fast reactor cycle before 2050. "Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development Project" (FaCT Project) was launched to realize these targets. In this project, conceptual design study and innovative technologies development will be carried out by 2015.