Spin-orbital gap of multiorbital antiferromagnet with geometrical frustration
大西 弘明
; 堀田 貴嗣
Onishi, Hiroaki; Hotta, Takashi
In order to discuss the spin-gap formation in a multiorbital system, we analyze an
-orbital Hubbard model on a geometrically frustrated zigzag chain by using a density-matrix renormalization group method. Due to the appearance of a ferro-orbital arrangement, the system is regarded as a one-orbital system, while the degree of spin frustration is controlled by the spatial anisotropy of the orbital. In the region of strong spin frustration, we observe a finite energy gap between ground and first-excited states, which should be called a spin-orbital gap. The physical meaning is clarified by an effective Heisenberg spin model including correctly the effect of the orbital arrangement influenced by the spin excitation.