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 年 ~ 

Development of radionuclide migraton datasets of safety assessment for TRU waste disposal in Japan


三原 守弘  ; 佐々木 良一; 亀井 玄人 

Mihara, Morihiro; Sasaki, Ryoichi; Kamei, Gento


Japan Atomic Energy Agency and The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan have published the second progress report on research and development for TRU (long-lived) waste disposal in Japan. This report is important to promote the establishment of a regulatory framework and an implementation body for TRU waste disposal in Japan. A deep geological underground disposal with cementitious filler and bentonite buffer for a part of this waste was considered to isolate the waste from the biosphere over the long-term. In this safety assessment of the repository, radionuclides migration datasets were needed. The solubilities, diffusion coefficients and sorption coefficients of radionuclides for cementitious filler and compacted bentonite buffer are some of the important parameters. These datasets were developed considering the long-term chemical evolutions of engineered barriers and variation of ground water type under the reducing condition.



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