Measurement of the angle-correlated neutron spectrum for the
Be(n,2n) reaction with a pencil-beam DT neutron source
村田 勲*; 高木 智史*; 四間 公章*; 近藤 恵太郎; 宮丸 広幸*; 落合 謙太郎; 西谷 健夫; 今野 力

Murata, Isao*; Takagi, Satoshi*; Shiken, Kimiaki*; Kondo, Keitaro; Miyamaru, Hiroyuki*; Ochiai, Kentaro; Nishitani, Takeo; Konno, Chikara
The (n,2n) reaction plays a very important role in the design of fusion reactor. In the present study, using a pencil-beam DT neutron source, angle-correlated two neutrons emitted through (n,2n) reaction have directly been measured to determine (n,2n) reaction cross section with the coincidence detection technique for beryllium which is the most important element in the fusion reactor. In the experiment, two NE213 detectors were arranged very close to the sample to efficiently measure the two neutrons. The measured spectra were unfolded by FORIST with the detector response matrix evaluated by SCINFUL. As a relust, comparing with the evaluations of ENDF/B-VI and JENDL-3.3 for energies above 800 keV of the lower measurable limit energy, the shape of derived angula-differential cross-section fits JENDL-3.3 better than ENDF/B-VI. However, agreement of the cross section of (n,2n) above 800 keV was acceptable within 10 percents for both libraries.