※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Plasma diagnostics with ICRF waves in GAMMA 10 and JT-60U

市村 真*; 檜垣 浩之*; 山口 裕資*; 根本 健樹*; 片野 誠*; 茂木 ゆき美*; 小澤 功*; 室 大志*; 石川 正男; 森山 伸一; 鈴木 隆博; Chujo, T.*

Ichimura, Makoto*; Higaki, Hiroyuki*; Yamaguchi, Yusuke*; Nemoto, Tatsuki*; Katano, Makoto*; Motegi, Yukimi*; Kozawa, Isao*; Muro, Taishi*; Ishikawa, Masao; Moriyama, Shinichi; Suzuki, Takahiro; Chujo, T.*


The wave excitation in the ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) is strongly affected by the boundary conditions. The formation of eigenmodes depends on the plasma parameters, their spatial profiles, the magnetic field profile and so on. The main subject of this presentation is the establishment of plasma diagnostics with ICRF waves. In GAMMA 10, the injection of low power ICRF waves into the plasma as active diagnostics has been tested. The preliminary results are reported. In JT-60U, the ion cyclotron emissions (ICEs) due to high energy ions from the neutral beam injections and the fusion reactions have been clearly observed. The frequency spectra of ICEs also depend on the plasma parameters. ICEs for passive diagnostic tools are discussed.



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