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熱化学水素製造法ISプロセス用SO$$_{3}$$分解器の開発; SiCプレート型SO$$_{3}$$分解器の基本設計及びSO$$_{3}$$分解触媒の試験結果

Development of SO$$_{3}$$ decomposer for thermochemical hydrogen production by IS process; Basic design of SiC plate-type SO$$_{3}$$ decomposer and catalyst test results

金川 昭宏; 今井 良行  ; 寺田 敦彦  ; 小貫 薫; 日野 竜太郎

Kanagawa, Akihiro; Imai, Yoshiyuki; Terada, Atsuhiko; Onuki, Kaoru; Hino, Ryutaro


Thermo-chemical Iodine-Sulfur (IS) process has a potential to produce large amount of hydrogen without CO$$_{2}$$ emission by using thermal energy of a high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). In SO$$_{3}$$ decomposer of IS process, SO$$_{3}$$ gas is catalytically decomposed into O$$_{2}$$ and SO$$_{2}$$ under high temperature condition up to 850$$^{circ}$$C using the sensible heat of He gas. The decomposer is exposed to the severe corrosive condition. We proposed a new concept of the decomposer, which featured a plate-type heat exchanger made of SiC ceramics and revealed the results of thermal-hydraulic and mechanical strength analysis. To examine the fabricability of the proposed concept, a mock-up model was test-fabricated and issues on the fabricability of large-sized decomposer were clarified. Also, preliminary catalyst tests were carried out to clarify catalyst bed specification of the SO$$_{3}$$ decomposer.



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