Identification of the water-conducting features using fluid electric conductivity logging
竹内 真司; 松岡 清幸*; 新堀 雄一*
Takeuchi, Shinji; Matsuoka, Kiyoyuki*; Niibori, Yuichi*
Fluid Electric Conductivity (FEC) Logging was performed in 1000m borehole, named DH-15, located near to the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Site in Mizunami, central Japan. The purpose of this study is to detect water-conducting features of fractured rock in the deep borehole and to evaluate hydraulic properties such as transmissivity and electric conductivity (salinity). 29 water-conducting features (WCFs) were identified by the logging with changing pumping rate three times and evaluated hydraulic properties with numerical simulation based on the advection-diffusion equation. We propose this method would be useful for evaluating hydraulic properties for WCFs in deep underground effectively.