Study on systemizing the technology on the investigation and analysis of deep underground geological environment; Japanese fiscal year, 2006 (Contract research)
Kojima, Keiji*; Onishi, Yuzo*; Watanabe, Kunio*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*; Shimada, Jun*; Aoki, Kenji*; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Ogata, Nobuhisa
; Nishio, Kazuhisa
The following study was done with the aim of systemizing the technology on the investigation and analysis to grasp deep underground geological environment in relation to the radioactive waste disposal. (1) The study on the research and development (R&D) subjects which turned to the practical investigation and analysis of deep underground geological environment. (2) The study on the advanced technical basis of the investigation and analysis of deep underground geological environment. It continued in the former year and got the following results. Concerning (1), the concrete investigation, measurements, numerical analyses and chemical analyses were enforced about the following item and extracted some subjects with the viewpoint of radioactive waste disposal. More over, the way to make the co-operative program among each field of the following (a), (b) and (c) was discussed. (a) The subjects extracted with the viewpoint of the repository design and engineering technology. (b) The subject extracted with the viewpoint of the safety assessment. (c) The subjects extracted with the viewpoint of the geological environment. The joint research subjects among each field of (a), (b), (c) were also discussed. Concerning (2), the evaluation of the results and a way to the practical use were discussed on the R&D activities. The Study group also discussed and gave the comment on the 2nd stage of the MIU (Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory) research program in the JAEA.